There are plenty of English words that people don’t know about. One of the words is WMK Meaning in Punjabi, which most users are searching for. What does it means whenever someone will ask you what is the meaning of WMK in Punjabi, so you can tell him/her about this answer?
As you are aware for Indian people primary language is not English it’s Hindi and for those who live in Punjab state, their mother tung is Gurmukhi. You might know that for a word in the English language there are synonyms available for each word. You must know all the words well. So let’s find out today’s article WMK Meaning in Punjabi.
WMK Meaning – Waheguru Mehr Kare
WMK Meaning in the Punjabi language – ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਮੇਹਰ ਕਰੇ
Conclusion for WMK Meaning in Punjabi
Note – This article was based on WMK Meaning in Punjabi. Which tells you what it means to you. And all important information related to how it is used between sentences is shared with you. If you have any queries related to this article, you can let us know by commenting. If you liked this article, please share this article with your friends, thanks.